Henry A. William Fischer
Henry A. William Fischer is a native of Hanover, Germany, and was born on the 19th of November, 1845, being a son of Fred Fischer, who was a farmer. He acquired an excellent education in his native tongue, having been an almost constant attendant at school until he was fourteen years of age, and at the age of twenty-two years came to America with his brother, Fred, who had located here about 1855, and was then home on a visit, and came with him almost immediately to Jefferson City, where he engaged in wagon-making in his brother's shop. At the end of five years he came to Brazito, and embarked in business for himself, and was then married to Miss Emma, a daughter of Christopher Arnhold, whose sketch appears in this work. Mr. Fischer purchased forty acres of land about one-fourth of a mile from Brazito, on which he erected a large shop, and afterward added fifty acres to his original purchase, and erected the finest frame residence in the neighborhood. In addition to his farm labors and his work in his shop, he has cleared five or six acres of woodland. He and wife have two bright children: Clara, who is eleven years of age, and attends school every month in the year, and Ophelia, three years of age. They have been called upon to mourn the loss of three children: Lizzie and Charles, who were older than Miss Clara, and Julius, who would now have been nine years of age. Mr. Fischer is a progressive citizen of the county, and in his political views has always been a Republican. He and family attend the Lutheran Church.
Transcribed from:
History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries, and Osage Counties, Missouri, Goodspeed Publishing Company (1889).
Henry A. William Fischer is a native of Hanover, Germany, and was born on the 19th of November, 1845, being a son of Fred Fischer, who was a farmer. He acquired an excellent education in his native tongue, having been an almost constant attendant at school until he was fourteen years of age, and at the age of twenty-two years came to America with his brother, Fred, who had located here about 1855, and was then home on a visit, and came with him almost immediately to Jefferson City, where he engaged in wagon-making in his brother's shop. At the end of five years he came to Brazito, and embarked in business for himself, and was then married to Miss Emma, a daughter of Christopher Arnhold, whose sketch appears in this work. Mr. Fischer purchased forty acres of land about one-fourth of a mile from Brazito, on which he erected a large shop, and afterward added fifty acres to his original purchase, and erected the finest frame residence in the neighborhood. In addition to his farm labors and his work in his shop, he has cleared five or six acres of woodland. He and wife have two bright children: Clara, who is eleven years of age, and attends school every month in the year, and Ophelia, three years of age. They have been called upon to mourn the loss of three children: Lizzie and Charles, who were older than Miss Clara, and Julius, who would now have been nine years of age. Mr. Fischer is a progressive citizen of the county, and in his political views has always been a Republican. He and family attend the Lutheran Church.
Transcribed from:
History of Cole, Moniteau, Morgan, Benton, Miller, Maries, and Osage Counties, Missouri, Goodspeed Publishing Company (1889).